Thursday 3 May 2012


For all of you wondering about zines, what they are and the history behind them. i hope these questions are similar to the ones you have.

  1. What is a Zine? Who do they target?
A zine is a circulation of content that is made available to the public. It can be in any form of media consisting of text, images or audio visuals. It is usually self-published targeting the public with the same interests.

  1. When did they first originate?
It is not certain the particular time in which zines first originated but zines where commonly used in the early 1970’s with the first of which known in 1946.
  1. What are suggested origins of the name ‘Zine’?
It is suggested that zines originated from North America with 40,000 zines been produced in 1993.

  1. If Zines can be considered a fad, can this relate to fashion?
Yes it can relate to fashion because fashion is followed by a large number of people with enthusiasm same as which some particular zines are also followed with the same enthusiasm for their stories. 

  1. What other form of media can a Zine be likened to? Explain.
Zines can be created in many different ways such as computer printed texts, comics and hand written texts. Printed texts zines are most popular, once printed the zine is then photo-copied to a reasonable amount of copies. Topics vary from fan fiction through politics to art and design. This also including personal journals, social theory and single topic zines.

  1. What is the difference between an E-Zine and a Blog?
Blogs are individuals thought and feeling uploaded for views to read about on the internet. E-zines are small magazines and newsletters that are sent out by electronic mail such as e-mail to particular persons.

  1. Why produce a Zine?
Zines are produced to share the writer’s passion and thoughts about their particular topic. It is to inspire readers to feel the same way the writer does on these topics.

  1. Are Zines commercial?
They are not commercial, less then 100 copies are published and profit is not why people create zines. They are simply created to show the writers interest and passion in the topic and not because of the profit because there isn’t a great profit made from zines.

  1. Have Zines ever moved on to become commercially viable publications?
Not too long ago a handful of zines have become that of a professional status that it is now is bookstores and online distribution. Some of these are Giant Robot, Dazed & Confused, Bust, Bitch (magazine) and Maximum RocknRoll. 

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