Thursday 7 June 2012

fashion blogs

Fashion blogs
As most of you know fashion is a multi-billion dollar industry, but what some of you may not know is that along with this comes fashion blogs and oh what a HUGE impact it has on influencing fashion trends.
The reason behind this is that blogs are quick and easy to upload and publish. For example as soon as a designer has finished presented their collection it can then be immediately uploaded into a blog and streamed across the internet within minutes. Or if Gossip Girl were more than just a TV series I’m sure she’d be streaming a live feed of the catwalk from start to finish on her blog for all her viewers to see, and since her viewers are alerted when a blog is uploaded or streaming I’m certain her viewers could see the new trend in seconds.
As you can see fashion blogs are great for promoting new fashion trends and if you don’t want to be left behind I suggest you start taking an interest in fashion blogs. Fashion is going forward and I don’t think it’s going back to waiting for magazines and newspapers as opposed to an instant look into new fashion trends. 

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